In September, we began podcasting - taping interviews and editing lectures/workshops we thought might be of interest. We would welcome your opinions on future topics and whether you are interested in this particular way of delivering content.
Topics so far...
The Methadone Market
(Alex Wodak, MD) Oct 26th MP3(19.20 minutes)
Drug Testing & Screening
(Robert Newman,MD & Peter Vanderkloot) Oct 10th MP3(16.35 minutes)
Treating Opiate Addiction with Buprenorphine Therapy in a Local Physician's Office
(Melinda Campopiano, MD) Sept 14th MP3(19.15 minutes)
A Family Physician Discusses Treating Her First Opiate Addicted Patient
(Melinda Campopiano, MD) Sept 10th MP3(5.55 minutes)
Tribute to the late Dr. Vincent Dole
(The BBC) MP3Aug 10th(4.32 minutes)
For those of you who are wondering what podcasting is, well it allows us to share audio and video that you can listen and watch at your convenience on your computer or your mp3 device. You can select interviews and recordings individually or you can use a RSS services to subscribe and you will receive updated content automatically when there is a new offering.