The headline represents the conclusion of a study by Banta-Green and colleagues, contradicting what an accompanying editorial describes as “the conventional wisdom that methadone treatment may be more effective for heroin users... “ At the same time, the editorial makes an assertion that seems to be at odds with consistently gloomy outcome evaluations once treatment (of any kind) for opioid dependence is terminated. Specifically, the editorial states “… for properly prepared patients a well-developed and deliberate plan for withdrawal that includes high-quality after-care and community supports should always be a potentially appropriate goal.” We are aware of no credible study that suggests relapse is the exception rather than the rule, regardless of “preparation,” planning or after-care support. This is a reality providers must keep in mind, and that must be stressed to patients.
Article (pages 775-783) and editorial (pages 784-785) in Addiction, 104, 2009