An article on addiction treatment policies in National Journal April 18 ’09 noted the following: “The treatment protocol demands at patients behave like grownups while they are monitored like children. The clinic is licit but stays semi-underground, fearing that even a sign of the door would stigmatize patients or annoy the neighbors. The medication is one of the safest known to science but is regulated as if it were one of the most dangerous.” Go figure . . .
I think that a viable solution would be to change the way addicts are handled legally. We send them to prison, most of the time without requiring they go through a recovery program, and expect recovering addicts to reenter the real world and stay off their drug of choice.
A recovering addict needs a plan, a support system, and accountability. So many relapses occur because the support system and accountability are not present or effective.
Methadone all by itself can stop the abuse of other opioids when the individual reaches his or her right dose. This is a terific harm reduction medication. However, other drugs and alcohol use can require additional treatment. Too bad some 12 step groups are so set against methadone. They could be helping many people who have other addictions.
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