Monday, August 24, 2009


An article in the Chicago Tribune (August 16, 2009) quoted a Drug Enforcement Administration official expressing concern "... when the motive for treatment is profit," with no evidence to suggest any difference in quality of care. And this at a time when many Americans are expressing their fear and fury over proposals to include a government option for health insurance, to be available alongside those offered by a host of (extremely profitable!) insurance companies!

When it comes to treatment of addiction private facilities are helping to fill the unconscionable void resulting from woefully inadequate services of the Government and voluntary sectors. Their role in lessening demand for illicit drugs is an indispensable component of the nation's efforts to address the problem of drugs in America. No one should know this better than law enforcement officials.


At 4:23 PM, Blogger Blythe Landry said...

thanks so much for your important, critical and thoughtful posts..
please check out

I will definitely add you guys to my blog list..
thanks again.
Blythe Landry, ME.d., LCSW

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Opiate addiction treatment is a medical-psychiatric service that should be offered by a qualified physician with properly trained staff, not by large profit driven institutions. At Addiction and Psychotherapy Services, Austin, Texas ( we work without profits and offer very broad services at usual methadone clinic fees (psychiatric treatment, EMDR, limited pain management, ear acupuncture, broad range of teaching and therapeutic groups included in flat fee).

I believe physicians should work independently with an adequate income or salary, being glad to do their best with difficult patients. It is hardly helpful if investors interfere with and add to costs of treatment; and boards of non-profit organizations are rarely adequately informed to make optimal decisions regarding staffing and policies of a psychiatric clinic.

Heinz Aeschbach, MD, psychiatrist


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