Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fredericton (New Brunswick, Canada) Physicians Revoke All Methadone "Carries" (take-home doses) :

LATEST NEWS (Jan 21, 2010):
Methadone providers rescind ban on take-home doses: "the methadone program will remain unchanged." A fortunate turn of events indeed! Full story in Telegraph-Journal -

ORIGINAL STORY: Physicians revoke all methadone "carries" (take-home doses) in response to the death of a 23-month old who ingested methadone. News stories to date make no mention of the possible source of the methadone. The physicians' decision means 478 patients who have been eligible for take-home medication will be obliged to take their medication every day in a pharmacy.

Almost 40 years ago Boston City Hospital abruptly terminated take-home privileges of all patients enrolled in its methadone maintenance program. In short order one-third of patients had dropped out and presumably returned to street use of heroin, and of those remaining, one-half lost jobs they had held before the new policy came into force. If the new, ill-advised policy is not rescinded, similar consequences can be predicted in Fredericton, and the costs will be borne by the entire community.

Individualization is generally viewed as imperative in the medical management of any illness. It is difficult to comprehend this across-the-board policy change. Whatever turns out to be the source of the medication in this case, there is absolutely no basis for concluding that every person receiving methadone for dependence must be considered careless, irresponsible, untrustworthy, or worse. That is stereotyping, and stigmatization at its very worst and it comes from the providers of methadone treatment. It is appalling!

Original story click here

Methadone providers rescind ban on take-home doses: "the methadone program will remain unchanged." A fortunate turn of events indeed! Full storyin Telegrpah-Journal 21 Jan -


At 2:00 AM, Anonymous alcohol rehab said...

nice article.
Government should step in to cure addiction

At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't "cure" addiction! Anybody that has been to a single rehab or meeting would learn this

At 5:14 AM, Anonymous Monty said...

Hello, you have tried to your best. I agree with you and really liked it. Great effort... Keeps it up!!!!

At 7:26 AM, Anonymous neil said...

Keep up the good work you have tried your best.
More drug rehab centers need to be set up

At 5:27 AM, Blogger pkpraveen said...

there is a clear shortage of drug rehab centers as the number of addicts are growing

At 5:33 AM, Anonymous drug rehab said...

agree with neil more rehab centers need to be set up


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