Monday, August 23, 2010

UK Government Determined to “Push Ahead With 'Cold Turkey' Drug Policy”:

According to a 23 Aug article in The Telegraph “The Coalition is working on proposals to stop the widespread prescription of methadone for heroin users and instead increase the use of ‘cold turkey’ residential treatment programmes.” It is difficult to comprehend, even for the most cynical of observers! Are "cold turkey residential" programmes effective for some? Sure: among the relatively very small percentage of the heroin addicts who seek and enter such programmes there is a small proportion who "graduate" - and of these another small proportion have achieved and will maintain abstinence. Great. But to propose this as national policy in lieu of "widespread prescription of methadone" can only be described as madness. Aside from the (huge!) question of efficacy, a massive residential option could never be implemented for a host of reasons - starting with the financial requirement. Severely curtailing methadone treatment, alas, is possible - and the costs will be high for those dependent on opiates as well as for the general community. Before anyone recognizes what many decades of experience have consistently shown - there's no "cure" for addiction - the damage will have been done, many lives lost, more illness, more incarcerations, greater demand for (and thus inevitably supply of) illicit opiates, etc.

For full story click here


At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here in the US we use all forms of treatment to help the addict to recovery from herion and other substance. Cold Turkey is used by a very few drug users. These persons are really show of there recoery and tend to not to want more substance in here body. Again a very very few do and find sobority. The cost assocatited with putting people in programs for this purpose is not cost affective. The docots and other professional staff that will be need to help the individual recover. Far out wights the benefits at the end of the road. Plus the phsyical pain and discomfort associated with the withdrawal of such drugs does not sound good goverment polciy. Please reconsider this idea.

David Hernandez, CASAC
Psychiatric Substance Abuse Counslor, The BRONX, New York City USA


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