"Acadia Healthcare Corp. Cuts Free Methadone to Uninsured"
"Feetox": a Sept. 2 news report is headlined "Acadia [Healthcare Corp.] cuts free methadone to uninsured" and states some 100 patients will b affected. The Corporation's chief of clinical services is quoted as saying, "... earlier assumptions about methadone are being challenged, including the idea that it is in most cases a lifelong therapy." Let him tell that to a parent whose child has been doing well with methadone treatment and dies of an overdose after being “terminated” from the program because of inability to pay.
Even under the very best of circumstances relapse after treatment ends is the rule rather than the exception, and being poor and without insurance are not likely to improve the likelihood of favorable outcome.
There absolutely has to be a better way, and the hospital and the relevant government agencies have an obligation to find it!
For full article click here.