Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Alcohol and Methadone

US state opioid treatment authorities were surveyed as to their policies and guidelines (Harris et al. J Subst Ab Treatm 2010, 39:58-64). Eight states “stipulate patient discharge for continued alcohol abuse and … four states mandate or recommend patient discharge for continued failure of alcohol tests.”

Two critical questions are left unanswered. First, what is the evidence that methadone given in constant daily doses (at whatever level) – i.e., medication to whose agonistic effects the patient is presumably tolerant – potentiate the sedative effects of alcohol and thus pose a risk that warrants termination of treatment? And secondly, whatever one may consider to be the danger of continued methadone maintenance in these patients, and on whatever theoretical or empirical basis, is there reason to believe that therapeutic abandonment will be associated with less risk? It would seem imperative for state authorities and methadone treatment providers to ascertain compelling answers to both questions before suggesting or demanding patients be refused methadone treatment for their opiate dependence.


At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Garrett McGovern said...

Interestingly, I was led to believe that chronic alcohol use reduces the concentration of serum methadone. It seems counterintuitive to reduce or discontinue methadone on that basis. There are also policies in clinics where methadone doses are reduced (or not dispensed at all) depending on what a person blows on the breathalyser. There's no science, that I'm aware of, to support this practice.

At 1:26 AM, Blogger pamela said...

Methadone results might last from a few minutes to hours, however the drug can stay in
your system for much longer. Let us help you find your way back from Methadone abuse.
Addiction Rehab Centers


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